Pst. Julio Tiko doing amazing work in Angola.
Pst. Julio Tiko and some of his co-pastors in Angola.
Angola: Past. Julio Tiko received Bibles from us.
Past Julio Tiko doing great evangelising with Portuguese Bibles here.
Julio Toto preaching every day to new converts in Angola.
Pastor Julio Tiko received Portuguese Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Julio Tiko doing great work in Angola
Pastor Julio distributed Portuguese Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Julio started a new congregation in Angola.
Past Julio Tiko building a new church here.
Pastor Julio Tiko is building his new church in Cabina.
Past Julio baptising new believers.
Past. Julio Tika has distributed Bibles in Cabinda sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastro Julio Tiko distriuted Portuguese Bibles to orphans and his church Bibles for Everyone has sent.
Pastor Julio Tiko have received 48 Portuguese Bibles from Bibles for Everyone where he is running a beautiful church in Luanda.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Portuguese Bible to the ministry of Erich Bredell in Angola. Here are photos of three local churches - one in Caala, one in Lubango, and one in Jau.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Portuguese Bibles to the ministry of Rodrigues Modiela in Luanda, Angola.