Pastor Jailosi Kwale doing great work here for God.
Pastor Stein Felani doing great work here for God.
Pastor Izeki distributed New Testaments to the Dumpsite church
Pastor Nyembo doing great work here
Prophet A Mfune doing great work for the Lord.
Pst. Albert Izeki distributing our Bibles, tracts and food at Dumpsite Church.
Pst. Joseph Simeza of Malawi baptising some of his converts in the river.
Pastor Joseph leading many souls to Jesus.
Pst. Chirwa doing great evangelising in Nkatha Bay.
Pst. Horris Mfaita gave our Bibles to these two girls whose parents died. They lived on the streets, but going back to church now.
Pastor Dawid Thyiolani preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ here.
Pastor Ananda doing great evangelising in Malawi.
Pastor Stein Felani baptising new converts.
Pastor Roderick Lapuwa doing mighty work under the Youth of Malawi.
Pst Leo Wisted bringing the Gospel here.
Pastor Izeki doing great work at Dumpsite Church.
Pastor Chirwa doing great work here.
Pastor Rodrick distributing our Bibles in a great manner.
Pastor Izeki distributing the Bibles we have sent to dump site church.
Pastor Mickson distributed our Bibles.
Pastor Leo Wisted doing great work in Mzuzu.
Pastor Rodrick Lapuwa doing great work here in Malawi in prisons.
Thank you Gyvellen for distributing the Bibles we have send to the border police. May God bless you all.
Pst. Gogoda doing great work here for the Kingdom.
Pastor Josep doing great evangelising in Chawo
Pst. Leo Wisted preaching the gospel in Dowa
Pst. Gogoda doing great gospel work here distrubuting our Bibles among converts
Pastor Izeki doing great work here at Dump Site church with Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Soko received English and Chichewa Bibles. Doing great work here in Mzuzu.
Thank you Pastor Joseph for bringing the gospel to the lost and the poor.
Pastor Chirwa doing great evangelising in Nhkata Bay.
Past.Jailosi Kwale doing great Evangelising in Malawi.
Past. Stanslas Jere baptising and leading many people to Christ Jesus.
: Past. Jailosi Kwali doing mighty work for Jesus Christ spreading our Bibles here.
Pst Albert Izeki preaching at Dump Site Congregation and handing out Bibles and food here.
Past. Joseph Mpokosa distributed our tracts and Bibles.
Pastor Rodrick Lapuwa doing great work heren amongst the prisoners.
Pastor Rodrick distributed Bibles we have sent.
Past. Izeke doing great preaching here.
Pastor. Albert doing great work at the dumpsite church.
Rev. Mkandawire doing great work here.
Zomba/Stanley Nkoma distributed Bibles we have sent.
Bishop Aggrey doing great work with Bibles we are sending.
Past. R. Lapuwa distributing Bibles we are sending.
Pastor Clifford doing great work in schools.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa doing great work here.
Pastor Chirwa doing great evangelising in Malazi/Mzuzu.
Clifford Masumbuka doing great work here.
Ekwendeni after worship service greeting one another as a sign of peace
Stanslas Jere doing great work.
Pastor Chirwa giving out the Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Thank you Pastor Matthews for distributing our Bibles to Mkaika Police camp.
Pastor Chirwa doing great evangelising in Mzuzu.
Clifford Masambuka doing great work in Malawi.
Pastor Clifford Masabuka doing great evangelising amongst orphans and schools.
Pastor Matthews thank you for great work in Mkaika Police Camp
Pastor Rex Justine doing mighty work for the Kingdom in Mzuzu.
Pastor Masambuka distributed the Bibles we have sent to Zombo.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa doing great work in evangelising here.
Pastor Clifford Masambuka doing great evangelising with tracts and Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Mpokosa teaching at Mbiwi church in Malawi.
Past. Rex Justice of Malawi doing lovely work for the Kingdom.
Past. Dorothy Kalambo doing great work in Malawi.
Francis Chipukunya doing great missionary work in Malawi.
Pastor Joseph doing mighty work under the fraternity of pastors in Lionde.
Blantyre Dump Site
Pastor Albert Izeki distributed the New Testaments we have sent there.
Pastor Joel Cheza distributed food amongst the People in Blantyre.
Pastor Clifford Masambuka doing great and amazing missionary work in Malawi.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa praying with Pastors on the Mountain.
Thank you Francis Chipukunya for distributing our Bibles to the Truck Drivers.
Past. Stanley Nkoma distributed all Nt's and Bibles we have send him.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa doing great evangelising at Chimbiya school.
Dr. Francis Ananda Chipukunya are a great leader and doing good evangelising here.
Pastor Joseph preaching to many people in Malawi.
Past. Jailozi Kwale bringing the Gospel here
Past Joel Cheza doing lovely work in Blantyre
Pastor Joseph preached in Biliati and Chimombo Villages.
Past Albert Izeki preaching to new converts at the dump site area.
Past. Joel Cheza doing great work here.
Pastor Chipenya received Chichewa Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Albert Izeki doing beautiful work for the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa doing great work for the Kingdom.
Pastor Joel Cheza doing great evangelising here.
Blantyre: Pastor Nepier Chafikana doing great work here
Chimbya Police Officers received Bibles from Bibles for Everyone as well as Pastors and Leaders.
Thank you Pastor Joseph for handing over.
Blantyre: Past. Albert Izeki doing great work here in Malawi.
Past. Joseph Mpokosa doing great evangelising work here.
Blantyre: Past Joel Cheza doing great evangelising here.
Past Paul Gondwe doing massive evangelising work.
The Chimbiya police unit received English Bibles from us
Thank you pastor Joseph Mpokosa for distributing the Bibles.
Pastor Albert Izeki distributed our Chichewa Bibles in Malawi at Blantyre district.
Past Gondwe doing great evangelising work here.
Past Albert Izeki spread our Chichewa Bibles to many people.
Albert Izeki doing great evangelising here with our Bibles.
Pastor Jailosi Kwale doing beautiful work in Phalombe where he also started a church for Albino Christians.
Pastor Ndamayo Nyirenda distributed Chichewa Bibles and tracts sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Julita doing great work in Malawi spreading the Word.
Pastor Jailosi Kwale doing great work in Malawi.
Pastor Gondwe doing great Discipleship Cources in Mzuzu.
Pastor Jailosi Kwale distributed our Bibles and Tracts in Malawi
Past. Ndamyo Nyirenda doing great work here.
Pastor Steven Mateketa received Bibles and Tracts from Bibles for Everyone.
Thank you for your Wonderful and Blessed Work with us for many many years Pastor Steven.
Pastor. Makuya received Bibles and literature from us. Thank you for faithful work.
Abp. Francis Chipukunya doing Great work in Liwonde for the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Albert Ezeki doing lovely work here.
Thank you Francis Chipukunya for wonderful work.
Pastor Jailosi Kwale doing great evangelising here with Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Joseph doing great missionary work here.
Thank you Pastor Joseph for amazing work.
Pastor Stanley Nkoma doing great work in Dedza.
Pastor Stanley Nkoma in Chiradzulu with Pastors in Leadership
Pastor Jailosi Kwale received Chichewa, English and Portuguese Bibles from Bibles for Everyone and baptised many people in Tete and Malawi.
Pastor Albert Izeki doing great work in poor little villages.
Pastor Barnabas distributed Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
ABP Francis Chipukunya spreading the Gospel.
Pastor Ezeki spreading the Gospel giving out tracts and Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Mpokosa leading traditional healers to the Lord. Doiing great work here.
Pastor Stanley Nkhoma with new Bible students doing great work!
Pastor Stanley Nkhoma doing great work in Zomba.
Abp. Francis Chipukunya doing great work here!
Abp. Francis Chipukunya distributed Bibles and other materials sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor J Mpokosa spreading the Word in Malawi.
Pastor Izeki doing mighty work in Malawi.
Pastor Dorothy gave out all Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Paul Gondwe doing great work in Mzuzu
ABP Francis Chipukuna giving out Chichewa Bibles and tracts in different parts of Malawi
Pastor Sergei Mzulumba distributed tracts and Bibles in the Ntsisi area.
Pastor Joseph starting new churches in Mangochi and Chitowo.
Pastor Kantuleni doing great work in Lilongwe to spread Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Jailosi Gwale doing enormous work here. He received Chichewa Bibles and tracts from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Mpokosa received Chichewa Bibles and tracts from Bibles for Everyone for his new church in Makawa.
Steven Mateketa doing great work for the Kingdom.
Pastor Bruno Chifikana distributed Bibles at his church building.
Past Steven Mateketa giving out Tracts in Malawi
Pastor Francis Chipukunya doing blessed work with many pastors in Malawi.
: Pastor Albert Ezeki doing great work in Malawi.
Past. Albert Izeki preached the Gospel to men on a dump site. Bibles for Everyone will send them English Bibles.
ABP Francis Chipukunya doing great and blessed work spreading thousands of Tractbooks.
ABP.Francis Chipukunya. Thank you for great mission work in Malawi.
Sergio Mzulumba doing great work in Ntchisi.
ABP Francis Chipukunya spreading books and tracts in Chichewa.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa doing great work in Malawi to spread the Word of God.
ABP. Francis Chipukunya - Congratulations with the new baby girl and great work in Malawi.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa gave out Chichewa Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Gondwe received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Jailosi giving food and soaps to children as well as Bibles donated by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Kandawire distributed Chichewa Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Joseph distributed Chichewa Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Sogo doing great work here. He received Chichewa Bibles sent from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Kantuleni received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Thank you Pastor Mzulumba for spreading the gospel here.
Pastor Kantuleni received English Bibles sent by Bibles for Everyone.
Francis Chipukunya distributed Bibles at Chimkwaka sent by Bibles for Everyone. He is doing great work for the Kingdom here.
Past Nhkonjera gave Chichewa Bibles and English New Testaments which Bibles for Everyone have sent.
Pastor Jailosi received New Testaments and Tracts from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Kantuleni at Lingadzi Holy Cathedral distributed Bibles and Tracts under children from Bibles for Everyone.
Past Gracious Wanda.received English and Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Kantuleni received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Hardly Muronzi received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Joseph Mpokosa are spreading Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone to many souls.
Abp. Francis Chipukunya gave out Bibles and tracts for people donated by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Joseph gave out Bibles and tracts from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Jailose recieved Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Blessings Chanza received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Joseph distributed the Book of John amongst children.
Bishop Lazarus Ghama has distributed Chichewa Bibles donated by Bibles for Everyone.
Past Joseph Mpokosa received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone
Past Joseph Mpokosa received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Mbewe received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Timothy received Chichewa bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Duncan received Chichewa and English bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Nhkonjera received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Abp. Chipukunya received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Kantuleni received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor John Mbewe and his team.
Past. Patrick Sogo and his church received English and Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Fred Vicas received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Jylos Ndalama received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
ABP Francis Chipukunya received tracts and Bibles for his ministry with orphan children in these pictures.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past Jacob Ngoma received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone
Rev. Masauko Kantuleni received Chichewa Bibles and English tracts from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Davie Mzunga received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Prophet William Ngambi received English Tracts and Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Patrick Sogo of Mzuzu reveived Chichewa and English Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Abp. Chipukunya received Tracts and Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Past. Stanslas Jere received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Duncan Sambani received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Gresham Gola received Chichewa Bibles donated by Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Kantuleni received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone and doing great work there!!
Pastor Patrick Sogo of Malawi received Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
ABP Francis Chipukunua received English New Testaments, books and tracts and Chichewa Bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor James Zgambo distributed Bibles in Chichewa.
Abp. Francis Chipukunya received Chichewa & English bibles from Bibles for Everyone.
Pastor Joseph Mpokosa of Malawi has given out Chichewa Bibles that Bibles for Everyone has sent him to spread amongst his congregation.
Abp. Francis Chipukunya distributed Chichewa Bibles and tracts in Liwonde Malawi.
Past. Patrick Mateketa distributed Chichewa Bibles in Lilongwe donated by Bibles for Everyone.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Patrick Mateketa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Bishop Lazaro Gana in Lilongwe, Malawi. We thank Bishop Lazaro for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Steven Mateketa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Patrick Soko in Mzuzu, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa, French, Portuguese, and Swahili Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Tonny Mzulumba in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles for the ministry of Pastor Charles Gondwe in Malawi. We thank Pastor Gondwe for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa, French, Portuguese, and Swahili Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Christopher Phiri in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Shona Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Blessings in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Chisale in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Patrick Mhango in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Patrick Mateketa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Sergei Mzulumba in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Peter Timothy in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Everton Said in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Peter Timothy in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone acknowledges the ministry of Pastor Blessings in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Peter Timothy in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Peter Timothy in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Hussein Nguwo in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Patrick Mhango in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Jimmy Choga in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Nkonjera in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Iginati Village, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Archbishop Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Tonny Mzulumba in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Jimmy Choga in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Jylos Ndalama in Zomba, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Jylos Ndalama in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Albert Mpende in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Tonny Mzulumba in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministries of Francis Chipukunya and Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Prestor Kubalalika in Blantyre, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Joel and his wife, Esnart, in Malawi. We thank them for acting as Bible Ambassadors in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa, Arabic and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Patrick Mateketa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Shona and English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Givemore Matewu in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa, Arabic and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Shona and English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Jimmy Choga in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Patrick Mateketa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Nancy Kayoyolutere in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Trans World Radio in Malawi. We thank Victor Kaonga for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles for the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
The Bibles and literature below were not donated by Bibles for Everyone, but rather by George Verwer (Special Projects), and distributed by Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Patrick Mateketa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Prestor Kubalalika in Blantyre, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles for the ministry of Pastor Ben Phiri in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles for the ministry of Pastor Jimmy Choga in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Hussein Nguwo in Malawi.
The Bibles and literature below were not donated by Bibles for Everyone, but rather by George Verwer (Special Projects), and distributed by Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank God for the great work they are doing.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Hussein Nguwo in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministries of Joseph Mpokosa and Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles, as well as tracts, to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles, and tracts for the ministry of Hussein Nguwo in Nchalo, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Portuguese, Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Prestor Kubalalika in Blantyre, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles, as well as tracts, to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya, as well as the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa, in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya, as well as Pastor Ben Phiri in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone recently donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles, as well as tracts, to the ministry of Pastor Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone recently donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone recently donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Ferton Kamiza in Malawi. Here are some more photos from this Bible placement.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Bitschnau (Family Care Ministries), who did an outreach in Malawi recently. Here are some more photos from the outreach.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Ben Phiri in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa, Portuguese and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Bitschnau (Family Care Ministries), who did an outreach in Malawi recently.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Davie Zunda in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Portuguese, Chichewa, and English Bibles to the ministry of Prestor Kubalalika in Blantyre, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Ferton Kamiza in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi. Below is a photo of two missionaries - Mufaro from Zimbabwe (on the left) and Chris from Mozambique (on the right).
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Ben Phiri in Malawi. We thank Ben for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Frazer Nauliya, as well as the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa, in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Charles Mithowa in Malawi. These photos were already forwarded to us last year (2016) during November.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Ben Phiri in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles and Chichewa tracts to Chikkwawa Ministry in Malawi. Please note that some of the material in the pictures below were contributed by Paul Young.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles, as well as a Chichewa Bible, to the ministry of Ferton Kamiza in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles, as well as tracts, to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa tracts to Chikkwawa Ministry in Malawi. We thank Francis Chipukunya for partnering with us as a Bible Ambassador for the distribution of these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to some theology students, as well as some members of the Malawi Police Service. We thank Ferton Kamiza for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Dedza, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles and Chichewa tracts to Chikkwawa Ministry in Malawi. We thank Francis Chipukunya for partnering with us as a Bible Ambassador for the distribution of these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Davie Zunda in Rumphi, Uganda.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Dedza, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to some members of the police force in Malawi. We thank Titha Dziko for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi. We thank Pastor Joseph for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
The following Christian books were not distributed by Bibles for Everyone, but rather by George Verwer through the ministry of Special Projects. This outreach was conducted by Mike van Vuuren.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
The following Christian books were not distributed by Bibles for Everyone, but rather by George Verwer through the ministry of Special Projects.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles, as well as Chichewa Bibles, to the ministry of Pastor Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi. We thank Pastor Joseph for his assistance in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles and Chichewa evangelistic tracts to the ministry of Frazer Nauliya in Malawi. We thank Frazer for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated six Chichewa Bibles and a number of English and Chichewa tracts to the ministry of Charles Mithowa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Noel Misanjo in Blantyre, Malawi. We thank Noel for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Dedza and Bisiketi, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 15 English Bibles to the ministry of Ephraim Chiwaya in Malawi. We thank Ephraim for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Ben Phiri in Malawi. We thank Pastor Phiri for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English New Testaments to Chikkwawa Ministry in Malawi. We thank Francis Chipukunya for partnering with us as a Bible Ambassador for the distribution of these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi. We thank Pastor Mpokosa for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa and English Bibles to Francis Chipukunya in Chikwawa, Malawi. We thank Francis for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English and Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Charles Mithowa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles and Chichewa tracts to the ministry of Pastor Joseph Mpokosa.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Bibles and New Testaments to the congregation of Pastor Frazer Nauliya in Balaka, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Barnabas Chibamboh in Chikwawa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Joseph Mpokosa in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 20 Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Chikwawa, Malawi. We thank Francis for distributing these Bibles to local school children.
Bibles for Everyone donated 25 English Bibles to the ministry of Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 20 English New Testaments, as well as a number of Chichewa tract books to school children in Chikwawa, Malawi. We thank Francis Chipukunya for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English children's Bibles to school children in Chikwawa, Malawi. We thank Francis Chipukunya for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated 16 English Bibles to the ministry of Pastor Frazer Nauliya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 25 Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Chikwawa, Malawi, during September 2015.
Bibles for Everyone donated 10 English Bibles to the ministry of Noel Misanjo in Malawi during September 2015.
Bibles for Everyone donated 35 Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Chikhwawwa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Chikhwawwa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Bibles to the ministries of Noel Misanjo of Blantyre, Malawi, as well as Francis Chipukunya of Chikwawa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 40 Chichewa Bibles to Bible school students in Blantyre, Malawi. Thank you to Francis Chipukunya for acting as a Bible Ambassador to distribute these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated 35 Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Chikhwawwa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 25 Bibles to believers in the police force of Malawi.
We thank Titha Dziko for acting as a Bible Ambassador in distributing these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Chichewa Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Thank you to Francis for distributing these Bibles to believers in Malawi, who would not otherwise be able to obtain their own Bible.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 20 English Bibles to Titha Dziko and Barnabas Rice for their evangelism work in Chikwawa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 24 English Bibles to Chikkwawa Ministry in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 25 English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Chikhwawwa, Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 20 English Bibles to the ministry Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone recently donated some more Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of 26 English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Bibles to the ministry of Francis Ananda Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 20 English Bibles to the ministry of Francis Ananda Chipukunya in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone donated 20 English New Testaments to Chikkwawa Ministry in Malawi. We thank Francis Ananda Chipukunya for partnering with us as a Bible Ambassador for the distribution of these Bibles.
Bibles for Everyone donated a number of Bibles to the ministry of Francis Chipukunya in Malawi.
Andre Degoede acted as a Bible Ambassador for Bibles for Everyone, distributing five Chichewa Bibles in Malawi during August 2013. We thank Andre for partnering with Bibles for Everyone in distributing Bibles in Malawi.
Bibles for Everyone distributed some Chichewa Bibles in Malawi. We thank Liesl van Heerden for her assistance in distributing these Bibles.